Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Roof Damage Repair

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Roof Damage Repair

roof damage repairI think we can all admit that there are some household repair issues that we put off. Maybe it’s something that doesn’t seem to cause any problems you can’t live with, or maybe it’s because the problem isn’t big enough to want to spend money on right away. There are some issues, however, that should never be put off, such as roof damage repair. Delaying this repair can lead to serious problems that may even threaten the viability of your home and create safety hazards. Here are some reasons why you should never put off repairs for your roof, no matter what size the problem appears to be.


Mold and AllergensRoof damage repair, certified roofing contractors

Mold and mildew are dangerous consequences of a leaky roof. Even the smallest leak will allow extra moisture into your San Antonio home, and create a fertile breeding ground for mold and mildew. These two nasties can spread from a small spot and end up traveling through your vents and be infesting places all over your home, such as your carpets and your HVAC system. Breathing in the mold can be very bad for human health and can be expensive to deal with if it isn’t caught early. There are several conditions that mold helps cause or worsen. It’s a serious allergen, that can lead to congestion and cause asthma, as well as cause rhinitis. These are just a few examples.


Delaying Roof Damage Repair Can Be a Fire Hazard

It may seem strange to think of water leaks as being a cause of a fire, but it can be. Many attics and ceilings contain electrical wiring for the house. If water gets into these areas, then it can short out the wires and create sparks, which can then set fire to your home. Even if you get certified roofing contractors to repair your roof right away, you should shut off the power to that area and get an electrician to inspect it for safety.


Structural Integrity

If water gets into your home, it can threaten the very structural integrity of your home. Water can saturate framing, fascia boards, and other components that hold your home in place. The wood can weaken, which leads to deterioration and failure. As wood gets more saturated, you may notice paint peeling from your walls or buckled walls and ceilings. If the wood gives way completely, then you could end up with a ceiling that caves in on you. This will certainly damage everything underneath or even seriously injure any people who happen to be there at the time. Even if nobody is injured, the repair costs can be massive and extremely inconvenient.


Damage to Your Property

Even if you catch the problem before it causes serious damage to your home, it can still affect your property. Many people store valuable items in their attic, and that is where the damage from a leaky roof often first appears. You could end up with water damage on your precious family photos or heirlooms, or even new possessions that are being stored for the season. It is never a bad idea to head up to the attic every few months to check around for signs of a roof damage.


Roof damage repair is not one of those home repair projects that can be taken lightly and delayed. The certified roofing contractors at Vintage Reconstruction who provide services in the San Antonio and South Texas area can quickly assess your situation and repair the problem. The faster you give them a call, the more likely you are to avoid serious issues from a leaky roof.

For more information about roof damage repair in San Antonio and the surrounding area completed by certified roofing contractors, visit

By |2018-02-09T11:25:17-06:00February 9th, 2018|Our Blog, Roof damage repair/certified roofing contractors|0 Comments