Fire and Smoke Damage Cleanup: Paying Attention to the Finer Details

Fire and Smoke Damage Cleanup: Paying Attention to the Finer Details

fire and smoke damage cleanup, emergency disaster restoration Whether your home has just been through a major fire or an isolated incident, the damage remains the same. Fire and smoke create significant damage in one or more rooms. The walls and flooring require restoration. There’s a lot more work that goes into a recovery project, however. Explore the finer details of fire and smoke damage cleanup efforts. True professionals can return your home back to its normal state.

Structural Elements

One of the first details involved with emergency disaster restoration is examining the home’s structural elements. Wood studs, foundations, and other items are part of your building envelope. Any damage to the wood or concrete must be verified. The experts find a solution through repairs and material replacements.

In many cases, the structural elements are easy to access because drywall has been damaged. It must be removed. The professionals can visually inspect the wall studs during the drywall-replacement project. Weakened wood cannot remain in place.

HVAC Ducts

A fine detail that’s incredibly important is the HVAC-duct examination. Your home might have a central-air system. Conditioned air runs through these ducts. Smoke and fire could’ve made its way through these areas too.

Fire and smoke damage cleanup includes a thorough project of wiping out the ductwork. If some of the ducts are flexible types, there might be physical damages besides smoke-residue buildup. Professional services clean every surface so that your HVAC system runs without moving smoky residues across the property.

Smoky Conditions

The obvious damage comes from fire-impacted areas, but smoke can be just as serious. Particles hang in the air. They soak into porous items, including structural elements.

Emergency disaster restoration typically includes smoke removal. Specialized machines brought into the property can draw smoke out of the air. They essentially charge the air with a molecule, such as ozone, that depletes the smoky components. Skipping this detail results in polluted air that doesn’t truly dissipate without professional help.

Property Counts

Homeowners shouldn’t be wandering through a fire-ravaged house. It’s dangerous and unhealthy. Allow the professionals to move through the property and take inventory. Emergency disaster restoration involves an inventory process that quantifies the damages. Photos and physical counts are part of a professional service.

These inventory counts are important because they help you with the insurance claim. The professionals act as a third party to your situation, which adds credibility to your claim when it comes to payouts.

Electronic Items and Antiques

Fire can damage many items beyond repair. There are some instances, however, where cleanup and restoration are possible. The professionals can look at your electronics and antiques during their evaluation. Smoke and particle residues may be the only issues at hand.

A thorough cleaning can bring those items back to life. The professionals might take the items back to their facility for a closer look. Minor damages tend to be solved on-site.

Insurance for Fire and Smoke Damage Cleanup

A fine yet important detail during cleanup involves your insurance company. Fire and homeowner’s insurance policies help you recover from any major damages. In fact, reputable professionals working on your restoration will often help with the claim process. They have experience with insurance and disaster cleanup, which eases the payout process. In little time, you’ll have the necessary funds to pay off the professionals and move forward with life.

Professional help must be part of your recovery process. Contacting a local business, such as Vintage Reconstruction, is your first step. The experts survey your property. They’ll determine the extent of your fire and smoke damage cleanup needs. With your approval, the home will quickly return to a clean and sanitary space.

For more information about Fire and Smoke damage cleanup in the San Antonio and surrounding area, visit

By |2018-05-10T13:57:40-05:00May 14th, 2018|fire and smoke damage cleanup, Our Blog|0 Comments